The Curriculum


The curriculum 

(regular course- for Bein Hazmanim, see next chapter)


The course is divided into 5 stages:


In Stage 1, you will learn you will learn the basics of writing the letters, by means of a specially-designed exercise with two attached pencils. There will be a video of how to set them and the rest of the equipment up. 
The Halachic material will cover an overview of the Halachot, as well as the “Mishnat Sofrim”, which deals with the Halachot of the actual shape of the letters.
You will have a PowerPoint lesson in English, as well as the actual text in PDF format, and a recorded MP3 lesson in easy Ivrit.
Make sure to log in to the Students Discussion Group every now and then, and touch base with other students and veterans, who will help you A LOT by adding their perspective and experience, as you will yourself when the time comes!
At the end of the week, follow the link to this stage’s Debriefing, so we can both have a clear picture of where you are holding, and whether it’s time to progress to the next stage…  


In Stage 2, (intro video)  you will learn how to write with a plastic Kulmus, on paper- by tracing over exercise pages made for this purpose. 

The Halachic material will cover a point-by-point statement of all the Halachot you will need as a sofer. We will not learn IN DEPTH, or from the classic text of the Mishna Berura, until the next stage. This stage usually takes two weeks to complete.


Stage 3, (intro video is the densest part of the course, material-wise.

You will practice writing a "Megilla" on paper, thus implementing what you have learned about writing the letters, as well as spacing and justifying the lines.
You will also learn how to cut a feather to make a Kulmus, and how to erase (inevitable) mistakes on Klaf.
The Halachic material will be more intense, as well. You will learn the Mishna Berura "inside", and practice answering questions on the material, in preparation for the test.


In Stage 4, (intro video)  you will write a kosher Megillat Ester, and prepare for the oral test and certification.


In Stage 5, you will learn to write Mezuzot, and eventually Tefillin or a Sefer Torah!



So-let's do it!    Sign up HERE!

(regular course- for Bein Hazmanim, see next chapter)


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