Benazmanim Course in NJ


Annual Sofrut Course in New Jersey


Each year, God willing, we host an intensive "physical" Sofrut course in New Jersey. The program kicks off with a series of preparatory Zoom classes several weeks in advance. These sessions cover essential Halachot and basic exercises to set the foundation for the in-person course, which commences immediately following Tisha B'Av.

Participants will receive the updated curriculum and the specific locations for the classes a few weeks prior to the start date.
We provide all necessary equipment and klaf to ensure you have everything you need.

If you can not attend the physical classes in NJ- you can still take the course by joining zoom sessions, and practicing 2-3 hours daily at home, as if you were participating in person.

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with all the necessary skills and Halachic knowledge required for Sofrut.
With over 25 years of experience and more than two thousand trainees, our program caters to various traditions—Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Ari, including accommodations for left-handed participants.

We also offer unlimited follow-up and mentoring to support your ongoing development in Sofrut.

Tuition- 3800 sh. 290$  (thanks to a generous grant from our sponsor)

Some words from past participants

Join the Telegram Discussion Group for more info and updates!
אחיה דילויה
I do not see how to register nor pay...not so fluent in tech. where in englewood will the Rav be?
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